Rainy and windy
Posted by Alex on March 12, 2025 at 23:51:56
I look outside and lightly dream of going outside in this small storm. Taking a walk to the park and slowly getting wet from the rain. The wind is the factor that could help or not. It wouldn't help with the temperature, yet could help with accidentally getting more wet. Pushing me into a puddle along the way. As I get to the park, my pant bottoms are soaked through and my shoes are still keeping my feet dry. I take the little trail thar goes through the park which has a few puddles. A stronger gust of wind manages to push me onto part of the grassy and lightly muddy field. I try getting back onto the trail and keep getting pushed back onto the field. My pants are dirty and wet at the bottom where they aren't staying above the shoes. The extra weight is beginning to bring my pants down in a light sag with boxer briefs starting to show. I eventually get back on the trail and continue onwards finding a few puddles to walk through to lightly clean my shoes and maybe pants. The trail has a few hills and I've gotten to a down slope. I try to get my pants to sit correctly yet the bottom of the legs don't stay up. As I'm about to bend down to give a tug and maybe roll them up, another gust of wind pushes me forward down the hill where it's about to go back up and around a bend. I stumble forward a little to the puddles that has formed at the bottom. I attempt to go around using the field for better traction but under estimate the sogginess of that part and my foot squelching into the mud. I step forward into a few more squelching spots before I'm out. Perhaps I should have just tried to jump the puddle. Now my shoes and pants have wet mud on them and the sag is a little more.
My little friend has awoken to this predicament and therefore adjustment was needed. I continue upwards on the trail towards a bathroom. I decided to take the field considering it would be shorter. Almost to the top and another gust hits and I try to steady myself but slip on my pant bottom leg and smack down onto the muddy grass. It hurts a little but I try to get up quickly as to not get too dirty. The other foot doesn't get the friction and down I go again yet with gravity against me I slide a little down the hill. Oh great, now I'm muddy on my back side too. My little friend or now more so erect penis is trying to show. I roll over and as I do I happen to slide a bit more down the hill. We'll no turning back now. So decided to ride down the hill on my back down to the muddy squelching puddle area. By now I'm so hard and yearning to mastubate that I touch base of that squelching mud and kneel into it. As I sit there I give myself a little rub and then just give up. I rub it out until I'm good and done. After a moment I get up and take the path to the bathroom and try to clean up for what I can. I still have to get back home and no spare clothes with me. I walk through some puddles along the way to try to clean the shoes and the bottom of the pants. I get to some covering and wring out the pants. Pull off my shoes and sock and wring them out for what I can. I roll up my pants for less marks on the rugs. I finally get home drop off the other stuff, turn on the shower and try to clean the clothes before I toss them into the laundry machine. I then awake from my daydream having cummed in my pants. Oh well time to change after a shower.